then it called LIFE

Beban tugas, beban kerja errk [sempit rasa nafaku] ku hilang focus. I need a break! i guess i may be to tired of everything so then i can relax kejap take a breath. so then i can continue my kerja with full of SPIRIT [hidup FIT] i try not to stop writing, cause it has been part of my life. i got JOM heboh last weekend [boring eh + panas + banyak org] banyak benda mok cerita p i'm not in a good mood to write here. EFA!!!!!!!!!!! apa dah jadi tok?

kegilaan dengan gambar

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Weekend yang memberi pengajaran

LIFE always be up & down. That is the natural law of life. [iboh nak bercita2 nak lari dah fact ya] It always hurt when you try to start a new journey. But when you used with it that is not so hard. But the most important thing is DON'T give up.

The best reason why i falling in love with the "PRINCE of Tennis". Moral of the story yg paling terkesan, JANGA PUTUS ASA. Fuji [one character dlm cita] said "Even if i only got 0.01% to win, i will not give up until the game is finish."

Then mek terpike jwak bah, mek tok dolok sll main bubble braker, rule game ya mun nak dapat markah besar mesti connect kan bubble yang sama warna sebanyak nie so mana2 bubble lain yg kaco ya buangkan. So time2 mek main ya nak mek terpk bah, sebenarnya hidup tok sama jwak mcm main bubble breaker ya bah. Cause life is just like a game. Buang semua perkara yang boleh menganggu ke'focus'an matlamat kita dlm hdp.

Sama mcm cita Swamp marek, cdak kenak serang semut dlm belon [bahasa malaya nya kapal terbang] pasya semut ya nang sampei boleh mengancam nyawa pasya belon ya x d benarkan mendarat d mana2 lapangan terbang atas sebab di kira mengancam nyawa penduduk lain. Masa dlm penerbangan ya mcm2 berlaku, liking tempat minyak, wiring dlm belon ya habis kenak gigit semut. Seems like there's no more hope. But then they still keep trying to find a way untuk selamatkan diri and finally the did it.

Selepas mengalami weekend yang memberi banyak pengajaran, so i just want to remind myself... DON'T GIVE UP even it seems like there's no HOPE, keep TRYING and trying until it work, having some FUN while we still can enjoy it :D, FOCUS on what you want. IGNORE of what other said if that thing is not helping us at all. Believe in ourselve, our weakness, accept our flaws then MOVE ON in LIFE. Cheers!!!

wahhh student!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

minggu tok minggu tambah gugur kursus kat fakulti nang, wahhhhhhh ramai nya student kat ofis!!! huhu bukan aku nak merungut ka apa nak tapi ada student yg sampei 40 kali pg fakulti ndak alah2 muka nya ajak pg mcm byk glak kerja kat ofis ya.. kak ya menganggu student lain berurusan kat kaunter, kelak d padah kecik ati p ku duli ku GERAM TOK!!!

semua terasa merrier again

Hari pertama kuliah bermula, second time tok aku masuk UiTM tok, aku ambik diploma pengurusan perniagaan. aku pun x tauk pahal aku excited glak masuk kelas. Mcm lah aku xpernah blaja sebelom tok. Rasa kedak jatuh cinta agik eh hahaha lucu lie jwak. my class going smoothly. I enjoy it. So it start with a good experience so hopefully this semester will be ended SUCCESSFULLy. amin

it happen again

Rumors and all the bad things about us, well im ok with it. USED with it actually but please DO NOT hurt my baby. If you wanna say thousand bad things about me please you do. BUT never TOUCH my baby. Ya lah polah mek pissed off!!!


GOOD LUCK to every1 yang akan menjayakan cita 09... i know that we work hard for this event. i pray that everything will going smoothly. AMIN... praying that there's no technical problem so then this event will PERFECTLY lauhcing by GEORGE CHAN this morning at 9.30 am.

Berhari Sabtu d Ofis

Aku saja jak trn hari tok mok tangga agik takut2 ada yg aku tertinggal untuk conference hari selasa tok kelak. When my said "i want everything MUST going smoothly sepangjang confernce ya berlansung" aku terasa beban yang aku pikul sepanjang ya kelak. Maka ada mcm2 benda lah yang x betol even mcm semua dah ok. Biasalah ya nak? But hopefully x da perkara yang besar2 glak akan terjadi yg boleh mencacatkan majlis ya kelak. AMIN...

Memang sepanjang aku uruskan hal CITA tok, kesabaran aku nang terasa tercabar terus. Everything banyak glak berubah, dari mula sampei lah last preparation.. without authorithy sebenarnya yang menyebabkan aku rasa susah glak mok handle everything sebenarnya. Tapi apa2 pun, aku rasa aku berpuas hati setakat tok seems everything rasa2nya dah ok lah... Harap2 semua berjalan lancar ya ajak lah.
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